How Do Home Warranties Work?

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Thanks for joining us again today. We are here with Caren Allison, who is joining us today to discuss home warranties. She is going to talk to us about what they are, why you need one, and what the benefits are of getting one done with her company, Fidelity National Home Warranty.

A home warranty is a one-year service contract that covers, repairs, or replaces many of the major mechanical systems or appliances within the main foundations of the home.

There are many benefits to having a home warranty. It is great peace of mind for the owner, who incurs a lot of expenses when buying a home. With just a service fee of $65, that's all it's going to take to get something fixed. The cost of a policy varies, but starts at around $275.

An added bonus if you are one of our clients, if you sign up for a home warranty with Caren and Fidelity National Home Warranty, you will get agent pricing on your home warranty!

We always love offering our clients a little extra, and this is just the latest way we are doing that. If you have any questions for us, feel free to give us a call or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you!

Can an Investment in Commercial Real Estate Secure Your Future?

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We are very excited to have Michael Ahern with us today, who runs the commercial division for Berkshire Hathaway. He manages agents all over the area, and he can also help you if you're looking to invest in commercial real estate. 

Michael assists our clients by helping them to increase their incomes through investments in commercial real estate. He can help to plan out better retirements through investments in apartments, strip malls, and much more.

We want you to understand the benefits of owning investment properties, as it increases your cash flow and allows you to grow your income with very little effort. 

Michael only needs to know what you make and what your assets look like in order to start consulting with you on how you can grow your income.

If you're interested in speaking with him, please get into contact with us and we can put you in touch with him.

We hope that this has been helpful for you!